Filmmaking for all.


Film in Oxford is a vibrant, friendly and open scene. However, it is hard to claim real inclusivity and fairness when the majority of student films are self-funded. Film also relies upon networks, and so feeling excluded from partaking in these networks as a result of your identity can become a huge barrier to filmmaking.


OUFF is dedicated to increasing the input of students currently underrepresented in student film, including BAME, secondary state-educated and disabled students. 

We have therefore created the OUFF Access Fund, which provides funding for short films which align with at least one of the following criteria. 

  1. If at least 2 of your core team - i.e. writer/director/producer - falls under the categories outlined here: 

    1. BAME

    2. Secondary state-educated 

    3. Disabled

then you may apply for a grant of up to £100.

  1. If the short film tells a story about people of a marginalised community, including but not limited to: 

    1. People from the global majority

    2. People from a low income background

    3. Disabled people 

    4. The LGBTQ+ community 

then you may apply for a grant of up to £50.

It is therefore possible to apply for up to £150 total, if you meet the criteria for both (a) and (b). It is important to note that the exact criteria for representation will be left to the interview panel’s discretion.

In order to receive a grant from the fund, projects must comply with OUFF’s standard bid guidelines, which include the requirement for detailed budgeting information and receipts for every purchase made. Grants will take the form of reimbursement, or in specific cases can be granted before purchases are made, as long as receipts are provided afterwards, and any money not used is returned to the OUFF account. 

In the case of grants made for disabled students, we encourage students to use the grant at least in part to create an accessible set. The money may be used to lengthen the shooting period, for example, in order to allow disabled students to comfortably partake.


Pitching applications should be taken in the normal format of the Google Form, with the section regarding the Access Fund filled out accordingly 

Deadline to apply for the access fund is the same as the pitching deadline, with a projection of how much your production will require from the fund. You must make it clear in your pitch if you intend to use the Access Fund, we won’t accept applications to it after pitching ends. 

You must submit receipts of your purchases within the two weeks after your shoot ends. Payment requests after this deadline will not be considered. 

Applications will reopen again in the following term’s pitching for new projects


For any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us via our email: